supporting soul body alignment
The Unification Orba new initiative done differently
Anchor Light on the Planet
This new scalar energy technology, called the Unification Orb is focused on the calibration of the soul within the physical body. Helping to support the soul-body alignment. As we continue to get these units out in the world and get a better sense of why they are here to help our community members are coming together to help document and share their experiences and feedback along the way.
This device has been made with a lot of love and thousands of hours of dedication, focus and guidance.
A statement from the owner of his experience, “…I am privileged to see deeper into how I am being affected even how much more I appreciate this body. My body seems to be repairing itself, feeling stronger every day. The energetics of my field seem to becoming stronger and more resilient. “
“I just spent the last week in the field of the orb for the first time and there has been a noticeable shift that’s hard to describe… what I noticed is that I feel happier already, and more connected to my soul!”
– Jeff
What’s inside…
This unit was created by pure guidance, this led the Bill Little, the creator of the instruments, to surrender to the process and trust that each piece would come together to make the masterpiece it became.
20 Scalar Coils - Icosahedron Shape
Allowing the freedom of expression and the ability to move through them effortlessly. This focuses on the water and sacral chakra; enhances and engages our creative thought processes.
3 Scalar Coils - Hexagonal Shape
This is the most efficient shape in nature and in the world. It symbolizes a greater wisdom and stronger connection to spirituality.
1 Pure Gold Coil
Connects us to our higher consciousness level of yourself (or multidimensional self).
We are made up of 60% water and the earth is 71% water. When stimulated with sound it creates a greater connection between the Orb, our bodies and the earth.
Black Tourmaline
Helps dissipate and ground out the negative energies in the lower centers.
Niobium (Mineral from Asteroids)
This is about the galactic connection and our connection to higher dimensions.
Argon Gas
Helps keep the area clear of lower, denser vibrations and energies.
Oxygen Gas
Helps to increase level of oxygenation in our bodies.
Helium Gas
There is an increase in life force in the presence of helium.
What’s included…
Audio Tracks
75 tracks = 11 hours of frequencies licensed from Sapien Medicine to help support you in your expansion.
Music Player
We use Amazon Fire Tablet to store all the frequencies that get played through the Unification Orb. This makes it easier to download and add frequencies as needed.
This robust amplifier is about to carry the frequnecies to the instrument to help facilite in the amplification of the frequencies through the coils to create scalar energy.
Quantum Alignment Service (QAS)
QAS is the perfect pair with the Orb to assist in maintaining and aligning your energy space on a daily basis. To learn more about QAS service go here.
“Some of the things I have been noticing is my body is getting clear on what it wants and does not want. My dreams are stronger. And there is a stronger presence of me – the REAL me.“
– Andrea
how it all started
The Journey of the Orb
Bill Little, the creator of the technology shares how this powerful device came together. This is our contribution to changing consciousness through LOVE.
“She’s been helping me cleanse and clear. Same thing for both my son and husband. Lots of clearing and deep healing. We’ve all been sleeping more too. Feels like years of healing is all being done at once, can’t really explain it. I find its been much easier to notice the patterns when they do pop up though and to consciouly surrender deeper into the vulnerability of love. This has been such an interesting experience for me.”
– Hailey
experience the energy virtually
Tune in and feel into the energy field
Get comfortable, close your eyes and listen to the frequencies that are being played through the Unification Orb.
what is the energy exchange for this instrument?
You will not see a suggested energy exchange here because they want to be distributed differently and this one is a significant build. Not because we are trying to lure you into a sales phone call:)
What does that mean for you if you are interested in an instrument?
Simply reach out and ask, by completing the Contact Us form below. But know if that instrument truly calls you we will work with you and yes adjust the pricing if we feel called to.
Now that will require a conversation with us or someone else to tune in and make sure this decision and the exchange feel truly balanced between us. But we are open to it if you are. This is truly about connection. They are sacred instruments.
If you wish to learn more about how and why we approach business in this way. Got here to learn more – Doing Business From Love.
want to know more?
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Does that intrigue you and you wanna chat or explore more of what is possible for you? Fill out the form and let’s connect!