The Love Fund

A community initiative to anchor more love on the planet

Welcome to The Love and Consciousness Association

We are excited about the formal launch of the Love and Consciousness Association – a federally registered non-profit association that is dedicated to the expansion of LOVE on this planet through leveraging and use of LOVE-centered technologies.

Whether it is youth, indigenous peoples of the world, agriculture, single mom’s or whatever other ideas come from you and people just like you, these tools are destined to support in ways we have yet to imagine. If this calls to you, we would be truly honored to have you journey with the growing group of people who are making a difference through love.

To date, The Love Experiment  (specifically the 21 day Light and Love Journey)  has been helping fund the non-profit. The Love Experiment commits 40% of it participant fees to the LCA. The group has raised almost $3500 for the Love Fund.  A huge THANK YOU to all who journeyed with us and / or donated to the Love Fund.

To date, two organizations have expressed interest in the active exploration of how these tools and services can be used to support youth and children of sex trafficking. We are currently beginning a trial with one group and exploring how to proceed with the other.  As well we are also looking for more opportunities.  Please dream with us!!!

How are we starting?


The Love Fund is currently being funded by the Journey of Light and Love. 40% of each journey is given to the non-profit. 


For those who participated in the last wave, we ask that you use the Love Exhange. 


Beginning to discover and gather dreams from the community so we can post them here.

How to get involved ?


Participate and invite others to Journey with the next wave of the experiment –  Love and Light Inner Journey


Consider running your own Journey of Love and Light


Stay connected with our mailing list to get updates –  Sign up here. 


Participate on one of our upcoming Dream Exploration Calls.

We are beyond grateful to all those who have contributied and participated in one way or another in this expansion of love. It is part of our dream, and for many others to continue to seed more love in all that we do, and all that share with the world. From our hearts to yours, we thank you for continuing to show up in love.

Ann & Bill

By leveraging each other and the tools we strengthen the souls connection to love, and learn to create from unconditional love again.