supporting soul body alignment
The Harmonizerexperience being held in a container of love 24/7
Bringing the Energy of Expansion to You
The first in a series of 9 Resonance Amplifiers designed to help harmonize and balance your energy field each and every day.
This easy to use plug and play solution is designed for your home, office or place of business to help create a 24/7 coherent energy field each and every day.
It comes with a full playlist of over 40 frequencies including frequencies for love, energy, harmony, and clearing tracks designed to be played each and every day. Each unit as it sits in one location helps amplify the resonance of your field.

“I am currently using the QAS services alongside my Harmonizer and Stabilizer form the infinity series. I have been using these services for about 3 years and I’ve noticed some very profound changes and differences in my life. These instruments and tools have supported me in the most profound way. They’ve helped me keep my field and space clear, so I can focus more on the things that open my heart and to have more space to just be. I can’t even compare myself now to the person I was when I receive these instruments as they are two different people. “
– Hailey
What’s inside…
This unit was created by pure guidance, this led the Bill Little, the creator of the instruments, to surrender to the process and trust that each piece would come together to make the masterpiece it became.
9 Scalar Coils - Hexagonal Shape
This is the most efficient shape in nature and in the world. It symbolizes a greater wisdom and stronger connection to spirituality.
To help balance emotions, and reduce stress, fear and anxiety.
Rose Water
We are made up of 60% water and the earth is 71% water. When stimulated with sound it creates a greater connection between the Orb, our bodies and the earth.
What’s included…

Audio Tracks
30 tracks of frequencies from Sapien Medicine to help support you breathing love into your life.

Music Player
We use Amazon Fire Tablet to store all the frequencies that get played through the Harmoizer. This makes it easier to download and add frequencies as needed.

This robust amplifier is about to carry the frequnecies to the instrument to help facilite in the amplification of the frequencies through the coils to create scalar energy.

Quantum Alignment Service (QAS)
QAS is the perfect pair with the Harmonizer to assist in maintaining and aligning your energy space on a daily basis. To learn more about QAS service go here.
“I feel I was guided to the harmonizer during a period of great stress. I felt drawn to it with a sense of trusting and that I would understand how it would help me as time passed. Quickly after having the harmonizer in my home, I noticed my sleep improved. I noticed a shift in my partner, he seemed more able to tap into his emotions and see situations beyond his typical patterns. Trying to understand others’ views and finding forgiveness. For myself, I noticed more synchronicities, more flow of connecting to the path of healing, making many connections with other likeminded individuals. “
– Denise
experience the energy virtually
Tune in and feel into the energy field
This is a sample of the Harmonizer Instrument with Sound playing the Unconditional Love track from Sapien Medicine.
Sit back, relax and enjoy.
PS – Try playing this with and without sound. See if you notice the difference as Scalar does not require sound but sometimes it’s kinda nice to hear it.
what is the energy exchange for this instrument?
You will not see a suggested energy exchange here because they want to be distributed differently. Not because we are trying to lure you into a sales phone call:)
What does that mean for you if you are interested in an instrument?
Simply reach out and ask, by completing the Contact Us form below. But know if that instrument truly calls you we will work with you and yes adjust the pricing if we feel called to.
Now that will require a conversation with us or someone else to tune in and make sure this decision and the exchange feel truly balanced between us. But we are open to it if you are. This is truly about connection. They are sacred instruments.
If you wish to learn more about how and why we approach business in this way. Got here to learn more – Sacred Exchange.

want to know more?
Connect With US
Does that intrigue you and you wanna chat or explore more of what is possible for you? Fill out the form and let’s connect!