The Quantum Alignment ServiceProviding Remote Energy Healing, Balancing & Clearing
The QAS was developed over 7 years ago by my partner initially for us. We kept taking one step forward two steps back and in his usual way, he said to the universe how can we make this easier? So he set out to automate some of the most advanced quantum biofeedbacks in the world to support our energy field daily and years later we now have two quantum data centers supporting hundreds of people each and every day.
My Conscious Wellness is a sponsor of the Global Consciousness Summit and proud to share these gifts with you as a part of the evolution of consciousness of humanity in the world.
“Thank you to happy zapper. The support of happy zapper has allowed me to maintain my equilibrium and presence even when the world around me seemed a little crazy. I am grateful to know that happy zapper is taking care of the subtler nuances of my energies even when I am focused on other projects. It is like having an automatic energy vacuum. It just keeps my field clear of dust and debris. “
-Susan, Olds Alberta
jump in and get started
QAS Starter Package
This offer includes energy balance sessions, happiness boosts, assistance with clearing extraneous interfering energies in your field and more.
How to redeem your gift?
Simply select the product and use the coupon code – energy to receive your gift for 90 days. If in the end, you feel you benefited from the gift you will be able to contribute and continue with the service, if you choose.
Once we receive your request we will send you a form to complete to get you started. Once your form is complete we get you up and running and see how it goes.