a 30 day experience
The Journey of Letting Goshifting our realities by letting go
Our past frames our future more than we know.
It is time to let go and reframe our future..
Andrea and Gail are co-facilitating this ride. Living examples of letting go and moving forward in both our lives and the beauty it does bring.
The energy in this world is the perfect time for letting go. It is ripe and ready to assist us in the letting go of the old stories of the past that are still impacting and framing each of our futures. Often it is the over obsessive looking at our past that creates the beliefs that there are still limitations in our future. This is an opportunity during this journey to deepen the letting go process for ALL of us.
The process of letting go is about allowing and giving permission to the ego to let go of our past stories as translated by our minds. These are the stories that are creating ours fear, our insecurities and they are not real.
Join us for the 30-Day Journey of Letting Go starting April 29, 2023.
In this journey together, you will experience three powerful energy tools to assist in the letting go supported by the group intention to cause a ripple effect live never before.
what is included?
The 30-Day Letting Go Journey
For 30-Days we will use these powerful tools, and the energy of the group experience to help assist each of us to clear the air, shift our energy and bring us into another layer of alignment and embodiment within ourselves.
Quantum Alignment Service (QAS)
The remote energy service to assist in balancing and clearing our energy field once a day.
On-Demand Session with QAS
Utilizing the new on-demand hypnosis feature to help strengthen your ability to let go of your negative thought patterns and reinforce the positive around trusting yourself
Quantum Soul Tones from Quantum Sound Therapy
These personalized set of unique frequencies are created from your voice and designed to release the patterns within the subconscious mind.
Group Connection Calls
3 group connection calls to support us in each of our unique experiences. A kick off call, a reflection space and celebration sound immersive experience.
One 1:1 Session (Optional)
Choose from either – A journey to the library along with a personal hypnosis statement led by Andrea or a 45 minute individual coaching/mentoring on the process/experience led by Gail.
Are you ready to let go of the past?
It is the energy of the stories of our past that is causing the tension for the future. So this journey is about doing less, and letting go using sound.
This is about letting go of past thoughts and allowing thoughts of the future to become more present than before.
We all have big dreams, and desires of what we are here to do in this lifetime. And in order to bring those beautiful visions into reality, we need to let go, surrender and make space for the new.
But when our limiting subconscious patterns and beliefs are running the show it can slow us down and keep us from expanding into our light.
Listening to the Quantum Soul Tones everyday supports us in dissolving the energies that are not serving us anymore and helps bring back balance and harmony into all of our bodies (spiritual, mental, emotional and physical).
As we come back into balance the QAS once-a-day clearing ‘sweeps’ the auric field to help strengthen our connection with source/higher self and keep it clear.
As we consciously send in an on-demand hypno feature via email, this provides an added energetic support to shift out those outdated beliefs and strengthen the new beliefs. The focus of this journey will be:
I allow the mind to let go with ease
- I give permission to my ego to let go of the past
I am open to embracing the new and unfamiliar
It is safe to let go and allow the future to unfold
I know that my needs will always be met fully
I feel peaceful within myself when I let go and allow
- The stories of my past no longer take hold of me
This 30 day journey is designed to help you let go even deeper of your limiting states to make it possible for you to live in a deeper aligned state with your higher self.

quantum technology to support us
The Tools

Quantum Alignment Service
This amazing service is an energy balance session that is intended to give you a happiness boost, assistance with clearing extraneous interfering energies in your field, assistance with balancing, clearing karmic ties, assistance with cutting cords and help with balancing the auric field. This service includes a minimum of one remote energy sessions per day. It runs on you automatically no matter where you are, and once it is complete emails you the details of your session.
On-Demand Electro-Hypnosis Session
For this challenge you will get the opportunity to experience a truly unique feature of the QAS giving you the ability to request an electro-hypnosis session. This is approx. a 50-80 minute session that includes features that support in re-patterning the subconscious limited patterns and beliefs, and strengthening the positive ones.

A Set of Personalized Quantum Soul Tones
The soundtrack acts to shift the frequency of your root pain pattern. This positive shift reduces the weight of the emotional baggage that has kept you in bondage every moment of your life. Our sound therapy algorithm helps its users remove the fear and stress they experience both consciously and subconsciously. By removing these negative factors, users can more openly and actively harness the power of their subconscious mind for real happiness. Your Customized Soundtrack RELEASES Root Pain Patterns That Keep You On The Emotional Roller Coaster Ride.
You will receive an mp3 file of your personalized set of frequencies that you can use for the length of the challenge and continuing using on your own to support you.
strengthen our inner awareness together
Group Connection Support

Initial Kick-off Group Call
We will gather on April 29th at 11:00 am EST for an initial call to kick off the journey and anchor in our intentions and personal commitments for the next 30 days. This can be done live on the call or listen in after, you decide.
Reflection and Connection Space
Let’s gather in the middle of the journey on Saturday May 13th at 2:00 pm EST to connect and build more awareness around strengthening your inner knowing and what is right for you. Following them and seeing where it goes.
Closing Group Sound Celebration
At the end of the journey we will gather together on Sunday May 28th at 4 pm EST to amplify the experience by listening to our tones combined and all sending in a hypno request. Will conclude the challenge by sharing our experience and what these tools offered to us.
Private Online Group Sharing Chat via Telegram
We will have a private group chat via Telegram for each of us to reflect and share awareness’s and feedback along the way – and to support each other as we need.
1:1 Session on the Process of Letting go, or a Journey to the Library of the Ancients and a custom hypnosis Session (Optional)
During the 30 Days you can schedule a session with either Andrea, or Gail to enhance your experience. Each are different ways to help provide added support as you take steps to strengthening your capacity to let go.
ready to sign up?
Dive Into the Journey of Letting Go
Are you wanting to shift from living from the past and ready to allow the future to unfold?
Join this 30 Day challenge as a unique way to help unravel the subconsious limiting patterns, and open yourself up to creating change in a deeper way. Each persons experience is unique, but can offer an expansion, and a doorway for you to move closer into alignment of your true self.
Get ready to clear the way and make room for the light of you to anchor deeper into your being!
Option One:
30-Day Letting Go Experience
Exchange: $50
Experience the Quantum Soul Tones, Quantum Alignment Service, in addition to the on-demand hypno feature that will support you in this 30-day experience as your journey to letting go…
Option Two:
30-Day Inner Knowing Experience & Bonus 1:1 Session
Exchange: $150
Experience the Quantum Soul Tones, Quantum Alignment Service, in addition to the on-demand hypno feature that will support you in this 30-day experience as you journey on letting go. Plus receive a 1:1 session with either Gail or Andrea as added support to you gaining a deeper sense of clarity and creating space within.
Add-On Session Options
Coaching Call with Gail
Gail is a channel, coach and mentor for many but her ability to let go has been heightened over the last few years so she is an expert in sharing this experience and how .
A Cosmic Library journey with Andrea
Come explore a journey to the Ancient of Ancient Libraries and connect to a part of you you may be missing and/or leverage Andrea’s intuitive reflection gift to create a more personal hypnosis statement for you to hone in on what specifically needs to shift for you to let go.
Feedback from our community
What Others Are Saying
Thank you to QAS. The support of the QAS has allowed me to maintain my equilibrium and presence even when the world around me seemed a little crazy. I am grateful to know that QAS is taking care of the subtler nuances of my energies even when I am focused on other projects. It is like having an automatic energy vacuum. It just keeps my field clear of dust and debris. I have noticed a huge difference with my teenager. He just seems to be getting more and more happy and content. We seem to be appreciating each other more and our interactions have become gentler and sweeter.
Thank you Bill and Ann, I am truly blessed and am grateful to count you both as blessings in my life.
In all honesty, I did not give it much thought when you started the harmonic training with me, and
continued my routines and habits, but after a short while, I experienced headaches, with moments of
nausea, that vanished completely within minutes. Nowadays, I feel great, with a persistent feeling of well being, even stressful situations impact me less. But, the noticeable difference is in my consciousness, or rather in being able to change my consciousness, from state to state. It is as if I am aware of being in an undesirable state, about to manifest unwanted desires, and being able to steer the conversation per say to our mutually beneficial outcome. I don’t dwell in my old haunts in consciousness anymore and am spending more times creating the ends of my desires. I look forward to practicing consciously creating my world every day. Since I have not changed anything else in my life and therefore attribute these good tidings to what your Brain balancing and Aura cleansing processes focused on me are doing, and thank you sooo very much. Let there be LIGHT. Thankful to you both for holding the light.
“I was further interested in adding the daily QAS option for myself and my family. I now use the on demand and a personalized on demand option. I added all these options as I could see the different ways it was supporting me on my journey.
In comparison, when I first started, I was in a state of feeling very overwhelmed and lost in life. I now see a clear path and have taken significant steps to improve my situation. I feel more focused and that my consciousness continues to expand. My inner knowing is stronger making it easier to see next steps on my path and I am now very aware of when I get off track. I have a new awareness of how I can continue to help myself and others. I have found improvements in my ability to focus on and move forward with tasks and have seen improvements in my mental and physical health.”
I don’t know where I would be if I didn’t have this clearing service – I know I would be a lot more of a mess that’s for sure. I am so so so thankful! It really allows me to stay connected and rooted in my self rather than getting carried away into the deep end – like I used to. Whenever I feel overwhelmed or my anxiety kicks in or I am stressed or sadness overcomes me from nowhere… after the QAS runs and I feel so much clearer, like the weight has been lifted and the fog has cleared. This has made such a big difference and I am forever grateful for having it in my life.