Letting Go Of Who We Think We Are

Christina shares her experience of feeling unworthy and useless in a group setting, which led to feelings of shame and judgment. However, she eventually realizes that her worthiness comes from accepting and holding her pain without shutting down. She emphasizes the importance of letting go of our perceived identities and allowing ourselves to feel in order to create space for growth and love. Christina encourages listeners to ask themselves what truths they are resisting about themselves and whether they can love those truths anyway.

The Love Experiment Podcast

Discussions around the metaphysics of love, what it means in the world, and how we can bring love back into business.

Community Experiences

Shared stories from members in our community who have been impacted by the conscious technology and tools.

Teachings & Discoveries

Posts about embracing intentional living, self-awareness, and transformative growth, these posts invite you to unlock your potential for a more vibrant, meaningful existence.