journey towards love

Consciousness Experiences

Upcoming Inner Journeys

Love & Light Inner Journey

Starting January 1st, 2024

Join other members of Love in My Conscious Wellness as they journey for 21-days alongside others to enhance the field of love on the planet, and inside ourselves and in our environments..

Showing Up in Your Light

Starting November 26th, 2023

This experience will support you to have the confidence to be seen by others. When you feel truly seen you feel accepted and loved. Together we will release the pattern of focusing on what’s wrong and nourish our new skin, new growth, all that we are and wish to create.

Past Challenges

Allowing My Truth

May 13th – June 9th 2023

Through the medium of a Pendulum or your intuition/inner knowing, dive deeply into uncovering the TRUTH of who you are. Our facilitator Ben, has years of experience activating and guiding people to work with their TRUTH at the level of the Subconscious and Higher Self.

Love & Abundance

May 29th – June 18th 2023

Hailee and Andrea are leading the charge on this one focusing on bringing more love and abundance in the world. The energy in this world is the perfect time for letting go and opening up to new possibilities, letting go of expectations, and allowing change. 

A Quantum Awakening Experience

Starts May 31st, 2023

Join Joan in a journey of Quantum Exploration to accelerate moving forward from love in a unique and dynamic opportunity for those who are seeking to access higher consciousness and awakening.  A QUANTUM LEAP!!  Many of us feel the shift, we know it’s happening, but we can’t seem to get to the next level!

Feedback from our community

What Others Are Saying

Thank you to QAS. The support of the QAS has allowed me to maintain my equilibrium and presence even when the world around me seemed a little crazy. I am grateful to know that QAS is taking care of the subtler nuances of my energies even when I am focused on other projects. It is like having an automatic energy vacuum. It just keeps my field clear of dust and debris. I have noticed a huge difference with my teenager. He just seems to be getting more and more happy and content. We seem to be appreciating each other more and our interactions have become gentler and sweeter.


Thank you Bill and Ann, I am truly blessed and am grateful to count you both as blessings in my life.
In all honesty, I did not give it much thought when you started the harmonic training with me, and
continued my routines and habits, but after a short while, I experienced headaches, with moments of
nausea, that vanished completely within minutes. Nowadays, I feel great, with a persistent feeling of well being, even stressful situations impact me less. But, the noticeable difference is in my consciousness, or rather in being able to change my consciousness, from state to state. It is as if I am aware of being in an undesirable state, about to manifest unwanted desires, and being able to steer the conversation per say to our mutually beneficial outcome. I don’t dwell in my old haunts in consciousness anymore and am spending more times creating the ends of my desires. I look forward to practicing consciously creating my world every day. Since I have not changed anything else in my life and therefore attribute these good tidings to what your Brain balancing and Aura cleansing processes focused on me are doing, and thank you sooo very much. Let there be LIGHT. Thankful to you both for holding the light.


“I was further interested in adding the daily QAS option for myself and my family. I now use the on demand and a personalized on demand option. I added all these options as I could see the different ways it was supporting me on my journey.

In comparison, when I first started, I was in a state of feeling very overwhelmed and lost in life. I now see a clear path and have taken significant steps to improve my situation. I feel more focused and that my consciousness continues to expand. My inner knowing is stronger making it easier to see next steps on my path and I am now very aware of when I get off track. I have a new awareness of how I can continue to help myself and others. I have found improvements in my ability to focus on and move forward with tasks and have seen improvements in my mental and physical health.”

Denise Bradford

I don’t know where I would be if I didn’t have this clearing service – I know I would be a lot more of a mess that’s for sure. I am so so so thankful! It really allows me to stay connected and rooted in my self rather than getting carried away into the deep end – like I used to. Whenever I feel overwhelmed or my anxiety kicks in or I am stressed or sadness overcomes me from nowhere… after the QAS runs and I feel so much clearer, like the weight has been lifted and the fog has cleared. This has made such a big difference and I am forever grateful for having it in my life.
