Unique Frequencies Based on the Voice

Personal Frequencies/Soul Tones
sound therapy on the go

A short explanation to start

Quantum Soul Tones is a customized soundtrack from your voice that helps shift the frequency of your root pain pattern. This positive shift reduces the weight of the emotional baggage that has kept you in bondage every moment of your life. This was the first tool that we ever used starting in 2009 and even years later many of us still use them. This tool was created by Quantum Sound Therapy and for that, we are eternally grateful. They were the first tool along with their Scalar Enrgy Technology that laid the foundation.

How often should I listen to my personal frequencies/tones?

Well, overall, it’s best to trust your intuition about this, and listen when you feel the need. That being said, in the beginning, sometimes once or twice a day is a good beginning.

It’s really helpful, especially when you’re new to listening to your balancing frequencies, to find some ways to build it into a habit, which you can easily sustain, over time.

Some people like to listen first thing in the morning, as a meditative practice this can be a really wonderful way to begin your day, within calm relaxation. Just imagine the power this can have, in terms of working with the Law of Attraction…

Some people (me included!) love to listen at bedtime personally, I find I most often fall into a deep, relaxing sleep when I do this – it’s rare that I’m still awake by the end of it (and on the odd occasion when I am still awake, I put it on a second time, and that does the trick!) This is a great way to clear the stresses that may have built up over the day, rather than carrying them into a restless sleep, impacting on your dream time and your body’s regenerating time in deep Delta…

If you have a meditation time during the day, you can experiment with listening then it can be a profoundly relaxing experience.

But, in addition to listening in a focused way, you can also play your frequencies when you’re engaged in other daily activities, like exercising, going shopping, while preparing and/or eating a meal…

Finally, when you’re feeling stressed out by life/angry/sad/upset, when something that happens… this can be a wonderful time to listen to your frequencies to immediately take advantage of de-stressing whatever it is (rather than letting it build up). Sometimes, this can go deeper than just the immediate situation…

Whenever works for you, we like to suggest you commit to finding a way… a habit you can follow… for a full month… on (as much as possible) a daily basis. Within that timeframe, you should begin to notice some shifts/results.

Can I listen to my personal frequencies on a headset or computer?

Personal sound frequencies can be listened to on a headset or on any decent set of speakers. You should not listen to your personal sound frequencies through a built in speaker to a phone or computer as the breadth of frequencies is limited. However; they can be played on your computer or phone by hooking them up to an external speaker or headset. Sometimes listening through speakers allows for a more full body experience.

Am I ever done?

Yes, you’ll find over time that you don’t seem to be noticing any change when you’re listening to your frequencies. That’s an indication that your being has harmonized with the balancing frequencies (Hooray!!)

And no – we’d suggest, even though these frequencies are now harmonized in you, that you keep on going. There will be other frequencies or patterns which come through your voice representing new patterns which need harmonizing each voice analysis only focuses on the frequencies which are most strongly out of balance to help assist you in your next evolution of love.

Can I listen while I drive?

We would suggest that do not listen to your tones while you drive as they can deeply relax you and may impact your normal driving patterns. Best to do this not while driving.

When should I get new personal frequencies?

We would suggest you use your own intuition on deciding when you need new tones. Some clients have had the same set for a year and others get new tones once every several months and others every few weeks. Each new set of tones is like peeling off another layer of the onion (so to speak). The more you listen and the more you update them the more the will work with you to release old patterns that are holding you back in your life. If you are looking for a tool that can assist in your evolution than nothing gets as easy as this one.

What kind of changes might I see?

Changes vary from more relaxes states, to release of old emotions and patterns to making choices and moving forward like never before. We suggest you have no expectations and see where it goes. Well, one way of answering this, in all seriousness, is to expect the unexpected. Everybody experiences different things… and even from session to session, this can change dramatically for a person (listening to the same frequencies).

Overall, the most helpful way to enter into the experience, is to stay in calm, neutral, observer stance… where you just watch whatever happens. Know it’s always what you need, in order to balance, and clear your stress. So, just surrender into the process.

Sometimes people relax deeply, some go to sleep (because it’s so deeply relaxing)…

Sometimes you may find you have lots of mental ‘’chatter’ that comes up for clearing – and then you just want to not engage with the thoughts just continue to watch what’s coming up, from a place of neutral observing. And, if you need extra support, you can softly remind yourself – “let it go, let it go…”

So, just remember, whatever happens, just watch it from the sidelines, and give yourself permission to experience whatever comes up. Aside from this, there is absolutely no ‘’right’’ and ‘’wrong’’ way to experience a sound healing session. It will always be what you need.

How do I get a new set of personal frequencies?

If you are looking for a new set of tones simply go to – https://www.mycw.ca/product/personal-frequencies/. Once you purchase one sned in your audio file again and we will get them out. 

What does it mean when some specific frequencies are hard to listen

Sometimes, a frequency will stimulate a negative emotional reaction, like rage, or anxiety, or dislike, or fear, or discomfort…

Usually, when people have a percevied negative or adverse reaction to a frequency, it’s an indication that this frequency has not yet been harmonized.

Congratulations that’s actually really great news!! It means your balancing tones have uncovered an aspect of your stress in you… and you’re experiencing an emotional reaction to it.
on’t stop now! We’ve found that if you keep on listening to that frequency (along with the other ones), eventually your emotional reactivity will diminish and then disappear, as your balancing frequencies clear whatever stress was creating the reactivity. Once the stress has been cleared, that frequency won’t cause a reaction in you – you’ll have harmonized with it again (HOORAY!!)

And what do I do, if I don’t like listening to some frequencies?

As described above… keep on listening!! You will get through the reactivity, and clear it. And then it won’t bother you anymore, listening to it.
In the meantime, you can try turning the volume down, to see if that makes it a bit easier.

You can also play with whether it makes a difference listening on speakers (where your whole body feels the frequencies) or on a headset (where your tones are more focused on being absorbed by your ears).

You can also try just playing your tones softly in the background, as you go about your day, focused on other activities…

Or when you go to sleep at night…
Whatever you do, we really encourage you to see this as evidence that your balancing frequencies are indeed working… and to keep on listening!!

Do I need a scalar energy technology to play my personal frequencies through?

No, you don’t need to play your tones through an energy instrument.  Even on their own, your balancing frequencies will begin to loosen and dissolve your old stress stories. And the more often you listen, the more results you’ll begin to notice.

However, if you want to further deepen the clearing impact of your balancing tones, listening to them through an energy technology is an extremely powerful way of amplifying or accelerating the process. Over the years what we have witnessed is greater and deeper change for those seeking evolution more rapidly combing tones and physical scalar energy technology. 

Examples of these can be found here – https://www.mycw.ca/infinity-series/

Let go of the subconscious blocks that are holding you back and START LIVING A LIFE OF LOVE, JOY & PEACE.