A 21 DAY Experience
Being worthy of the comfort of loveLearning to connect with the true essence of ourselves
In this 21-day experience, we will focus on diminishing patterns that keep us from allowing comfort into our lives and feeling worthy of having a great life.
Learning to connect with the true essence of ourselves. Feeling comfortable with oneself, being who we really want to be, and not feeling constrained by beliefs that are limiting ourselves.
Focusing on releasing the need to be busy and distracted by allowing ourselves to be at peace in the present moment.
We will offer meditations, clearings, alignments, and quantum tools to support this process
This is done at an individual level and using the power that a group can create, to focus on this intention, bring in and stabilize this energy.
Using My Conscious Wellness Quantum tools, we will be supporting and releasing the following statements as we journey together to realign to our natural state of being – love.
There will be an additional 9 days of integration support using the integration protocol, after the 21 days.
Statements we will be working with for 21 days!
Supporting statements:
- I always live life to the fullest
- I openly invite my highest and best state of being
- I trust my state of being
- It is safe to live in the present moment
- I trust and live from the heart
- I love others and myself without condition
- I am filled with joy
- I easily recognize and release all distractions that are stopping me from love
- I am worthy
Statements being released:
- I must struggle to live
- I am comfortable living in chaos and disharmony
- I am afraid of living without fear
- Love scares me
- I do not trust myself
- Living in the present moment is dangerous
- Living in the present in the moment causes pain and suffering
- I am scared of leaving my mind
- I am scared of living from my heart
- I need to give in order to receive
- I am depressed
who is hosting this experience?
The 21 Day Experience
Benji Shure and Denise Bradford have joined together to support this journey.
Benji is a multidimensional galactic channel, healer, teacher, and spiritual re-volution guide. He has a profound calling to help. To see people grow, step out of density, and into their full, innate potential. Uncovering the joyous magic of who they are authentically at a Soul level. As part of this experience, he will be offering transmission meditations that bring specific support aligned for those participating in this journey. He does this through uniquely combining Multi-dimensional healing with the support of his teams of light, light language and codes..
Here is a link to Benji’s website
Denise is experienced in supporting individuals to identify their barriers and find ways to move forward. She is passionate about guiding others to explore ways to heal, protect, and empower oneself. Through shamanic practices and energetic healing, she offers a variety of teachings and guidance to support others to learn to maintain their own balance, shift into a healthier state, and connect to living a more conscious life. In this experience Denise will offer energetic support for those joining this journey, to feel safe in sharing and building a sacred space together. To allow for the powerful collective energy of our group to further support each other’s individual shifts and growth.
Find Denise at- denise@akashawellnesscentre.ca
Are you ready to comfort yourself with love?
Being worthy of the comfort of love!
This experience is partnered with My Conscious Wellness, using their pioneering quantum technology, the Quantum Alignment System. This system works with our subtle bodies, sending attuned frequencies unique to each individual, that works to clear out aura density as well as a Hypno feature that clears self-limiting programming at a subconscious level.
Each of us will receive a personalized Soul-Tone. The technology uses a voice sample of 12 seconds and can tell so much about us, like a deep energetic bioscan at soul level. An audio tone, unique to your levels will then be generated to support you to harmonize and recalibrate.The effects of listening to these tones alone have been astounding. The audio track will be 27 minutes long.
Benji and Denise will both have the Unification Orb playing in the background which will amplify the experience, this magical device was created by the MyCW team Bill and Ann with the guidance of their Team of Love. This is advanced scalar energy technology.
If you can’t make the live sessions they will all be recorded. There is no time pressure and all can be completed to fit around busy schedules, while knowing that the power-filled technology is working on your system in the background. The majority of this experience is on demand so you are completely in control of your own experience, the QAS, Aura and Hypno feature work on-demand, and you can listen to the tones at the same time, we suggest that you set aside 30 minutes a day for this as a minimum and you can choose to spend more time running the tones.
This technology isn’t widely known yet and we feel honoured to be working with the MyCW Team and sharing these technologies to help others.
If you are weary about technology, consider it is simply a command centre to an over soul asking for energy to come down to clear and replenish, basically reiki on demand.

quantum technology to support us
The Tools

Quantum Alignment Service
This amazing service is an energy balance session that is intended to give you a happiness boost, assistance with clearing extraneous interfering energies in your field, assistance with balancing, clearing karmic ties, assistance with cutting cords and help with balancing the auric field. This service includes a minimum of one remote energy sessions per day. It runs on you automatically no matter where you are, and once it is complete emails you the details of your session.
On-Demand Electro-Hypnosis Session
For this challenge you will get the opportunity to experience a truly unique feature of the QAS giving you the ability to request an electro-hypnosis session. This is approx. a 50-80 minute session that includes features that support in re-patterning the subconscious limited patterns and beliefs, and strengthening the positive ones.

A Set of Personalized Quantum Soul Tones
The soundtrack acts to shift the frequency of your root pain pattern. This positive shift reduces the weight of the emotional baggage that has kept you in bondage every moment of your life. Our sound therapy algorithm helps its users remove the fear and stress they experience both consciously and subconsciously. By removing these negative factors, users can more openly and actively harness the power of their subconscious mind for real happiness. Your Customized Soundtrack RELEASES Root Pain Patterns That Keep You On The Emotional Roller Coaster Ride.
You will receive an mp3 file of your personalized set of frequencies that you can use for the length of the challenge and continuing using on your own to support you.
strengthen our inner awareness together
Online Group Connection Support

Opening Call (February 4th at 4pmEST)
Introduction and intention setting for this experience. Denise will guide you through a candle fire ceremony release technique. Benji will offer an alignment and attunement session for the group’s needs.
Closing Call (Feb 25 at 4pmEST)
Sharing final awareness in this closing call. Denise will guide you to create your own sacred space, release and balance. Benji will bring through a transmission meditation while playing our group tones to support us as we close this sacred journey together.
** Denise and Benji will provide extra recorded meditations and clearing techniques to use at your convenience to support your experience.
Private Online Group Space
This space created in Telegram is created for just those in this experience, as a way to receive support, reminders and to build the energy of a shared group experience. You can choose to participate by enjoying reading the posts or joining in and adding what feels comfortable to share.
What is the suggested energy exchange?
The suggested energy exchange for this experience is $170. Tune in and exchange what feels right for you. We aim to have these experiences accessible to all.
To give you a sense of how we decided to package this experience we decided to show you the current suggested exchange for each of its components. The suggested energy exchange for the use of this sacred technology and healing sessions when offered separately would be…
- Quantum Alignment System and on-demand remote healing requests $75/month
- 2 sets of Soul Tones $50 x 2 = $100
- Group healing sessions and extra meditations = $210
Total value $385.
Feedback from our community
What Others Are Saying
Thank you to QAS. The support of the QAS has allowed me to maintain my equilibrium and presence even when the world around me seemed a little crazy. I am grateful to know that QAS is taking care of the subtler nuances of my energies even when I am focused on other projects. It is like having an automatic energy vacuum. It just keeps my field clear of dust and debris. I have noticed a huge difference with my teenager. He just seems to be getting more and more happy and content. We seem to be appreciating each other more and our interactions have become gentler and sweeter.
Thank you Bill and Ann, I am truly blessed and am grateful to count you both as blessings in my life.
In all honesty, I did not give it much thought when you started the harmonic training with me, and
continued my routines and habits, but after a short while, I experienced headaches, with moments of
nausea, that vanished completely within minutes. Nowadays, I feel great, with a persistent feeling of well being, even stressful situations impact me less. But, the noticeable difference is in my consciousness, or rather in being able to change my consciousness, from state to state. It is as if I am aware of being in an undesirable state, about to manifest unwanted desires, and being able to steer the conversation per say to our mutually beneficial outcome. I don’t dwell in my old haunts in consciousness anymore and am spending more times creating the ends of my desires. I look forward to practicing consciously creating my world every day. Since I have not changed anything else in my life and therefore attribute these good tidings to what your Brain balancing and Aura cleansing processes focused on me are doing, and thank you sooo very much. Let there be LIGHT. Thankful to you both for holding the light.
“I was further interested in adding the daily QAS option for myself and my family. I now use the on demand and a personalized on demand option. I added all these options as I could see the different ways it was supporting me on my journey.
In comparison, when I first started, I was in a state of feeling very overwhelmed and lost in life. I now see a clear path and have taken significant steps to improve my situation. I feel more focused and that my consciousness continues to expand. My inner knowing is stronger making it easier to see next steps on my path and I am now very aware of when I get off track. I have a new awareness of how I can continue to help myself and others. I have found improvements in my ability to focus on and move forward with tasks and have seen improvements in my mental and physical health.”
I don’t know where I would be if I didn’t have this clearing service – I know I would be a lot more of a mess that’s for sure. I am so so so thankful! It really allows me to stay connected and rooted in my self rather than getting carried away into the deep end – like I used to. Whenever I feel overwhelmed or my anxiety kicks in or I am stressed or sadness overcomes me from nowhere… after the QAS runs and I feel so much clearer, like the weight has been lifted and the fog has cleared. This has made such a big difference and I am forever grateful for having it in my life.