Beth Scutt shares about what it feels like living in the scalar field and how she notices the difference when she’s around her scalar technology and when she isn’t.
Beth Scutt’s Experience with Scalar Energy Technology
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Our blog is here to open doorways within each of us, to plant seeds of different ways of experiencing this world, and to ultimately raising and elevate each other, and the tools we have been gifted that are here to support each of us in our evolutionary journey.
Beth Scutt shares about what it feels like living in the scalar field and how she notices the difference when she’s around her scalar technology and when she isn’t.
This is a short awareness piece about why we use technology and what makes us unique in our approach to consciousness expansion.
This is Bill and Susan being real about the use and the resistance to leveraging technology for consciousness.
This short 7 minute video describes the various technologies from Quantum Sound Therapy
This was a show we did where we chat and share about the importance of high consciousness based technologies and love. What is this and why would you do that?